Everyone Has a Story to Tell. You, Too, Can Become a Storykeeper.
“Each of us lives life from beginning to end. The same is true for every living plant or animal. As human beings, we have the unique ability to communicate with family and friends to share our life experiences in meaningful ways. Indigenous people would share their most sacred traditions through oral storytelling, preserving those traditions from generation to generation. These stories were used to both strengthen the body and mind for new challenges, heal wounds of the soul, or celebrate family and community relationships.
The Helios Care StoryKeeper Program provides a person an opportunity to reflect back on their life experiences to create meaning and validation. The program also provides a person the opportunity for life closure by leaving their story for family and/or friends. This life story is a priceless gift to those who have shared a lifetime of experience with the giver of the gift.
I began my volunteer work with Helios Care in 2019 by visiting people who had requested therapy dog visits. Poppy is a cute little spaniel mix who loves everyone from babies to grandmas. We had visits that ranged from laughing hysterically to crying together, and I cherished each experience. Helios Care professionals cared for my dear wife, Sue, for the last month of her life in 2020, a gift for which I will be forever grateful.
In the Summer of 2024, I discovered the StoryKeeper Program and volunteered to make a visit. I found it to be quite simple, and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I had the gift of sitting with a man who was knowingly approaching the end of his life, and my only job was to listen. Once we started, his magnificent story unfolded chapter by chapter with very little prompting on my part. We laughed out loud one minute, then shared a few tears as he recalled other experiences and feelings.
Now I was eager to get another assignment, and my next visit was with a man who was over 90 years old. He happened to live in a facility that I visited with Poppy. He was on oxygen and wasn’t sure how long he could talk so I reassured him that I could return as many times as needed. The important thing was to give him the full opportunity to share his life story with his family. I prompted him with questions only a couple of times, as his wife kindly reminded him of critical details he had forgotten to mention. Surprisingly, we completed the session in one visit and he never wanted to stop for a break. I was inspired and moved by the beautiful life he and his wife had shared. For a second time, I felt like I had been entrusted with the Crown Jewels of Humanity and Dignity.
The privilege and gift of being a trusted StoryKeeper facilitator is an experience I never imagined. It’s a good thing I found it! As Sue always said, “I’m exactly where I need to be in my life.” Thank you to Helios Care for making my life shine!”
– Tom Landon & Poppy, Oneonta, NY
Learn more about volunteer opportunities: www.helioscare.org/volunteer/